New Andover Primary Care Mental Health Service

Posted by: philheiden - Posted on:

Improving support for mental health and well-being within Andover

This is a new service for adult patients registered with one of the Andover GP surgeries. We offer increased support for your mental health needs. 

We are a GP-led, multi-disciplinary team from a variety of backgrounds. We understand that the current COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in increased anxiety, financial stress and isolation and are able to offer telephone support, counselling and advice at this difficult time. 

The team consists of: 

• Two lead GPs who over-see the service and offer clinical advice. 

• Two Well-being practitioners who can help assess your needs, give advice, signpost you to local groups and services, and offer counselling/support. 

• A Psychological (italk) therapist who can offer short-term, focused psychological (talking) therapies. 

• We have support from a psychiatry consultant and an experienced community psychiatric nurse. 

• We have close links with social care, housing and voluntary agencies. 

Referral to the service is quick and easy and can be arranged by any member of the practice team (including reception staff). You will be contacted via telephone and your first appointment will be with a Well-being practitioner. Follow up/support will be offered with the most appropriate member of the team. 

The service works with your GP surgery and you will remain under the care of your GP who will be fully informed about your care. 

Data sharing 

Your GP clinical record will be accessed by Andover Primary Care Mental Health Service, your demographic details will be used for booking purposes and anonymised data regarding clinical outcomes to be used for service monitoring and improvement 


If you have any comments or complaints about the service please contact your surgery’s Practice Manager who will forward these on to the relevant team member.