A new MSK physio service comes to Adelaide Medical Centre
The benefits of the Specialist MSK First Contact Practitioners
- Typically will be seen quicker than a GP appointment
- Faster access to Musculoskeletal care
- Longer more in-depth appointments (20 minutes not 10)
- Reduced referrals to other NHS departments (GP into Physio)
- MSK FCPs have direct referral access to tests such as Xray/ ultrasounds where needed
Service eligibility
- Patients aged 18 or over.
- An MSK problem which you are not already under active treatment for
- MSK conditions such as
- Soft tissue/Muscle/Tendon/Ligament strains/sprains.
- Joint pain/injury.
- Acute flare up of a long-term condition.
- Back/Neck Pain.
- Postural Pain/Problems.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Minor Trauma (Falls / Sports injuries).
The service is inappropiate for you if you have any of the reg flag conditions as well as your MSK concern
- Weight loss
- Previous history of cancer
- Violent trauma
- Fever
- Saddle anaesthesia (loss of sensation of the buttocks, perineum or thighs)
- Difficulty in micturition (abnormailties with the process of urniating)
- Progressive neurology
- Systemic steriod use
eConsult will be able to screen and best direct you to the right care in these incidences.Visit your practice website and complete an eConsult Consult Online from Home – Adelaide Medical Centre (webgp.com)
How do I book in?
Please contact your GP practice as normal and request a Specialist MSK appointment from the Receptionist.
How long will my appointment be?
Typically 20 Minutes for the initial assessment and 10 minutes for any subsequent follow up appointment arranged. If you require a longer appointment due to additional needs please advise on booking. Due to COVID most consultations are being carried out by Video or Telephone consultations.