New Website Feature
Some of the more eagle eyed amongst you may have already noticed the new feature which has appeared on our website over the past few weeks. We were lucky enough to be given the opportunity to try out some new technology that is already commonly used in other industries such as banking and insurance.
Down at the bottom right of the screen, you will now see our very own AMC Chatbot function.

We are committed to continually trying to improve our service and we know how frustrating it can feel when you are waiting in a phone queue or at the back of a long queue at the reception desk. Therefore we are always open to new ideas and trying anything that might help.
The Chatbot is not designed to replace any of our staff or that human contact that is so important when you are unwell and in need of assistance. It is simply an additional source of information for those who wish to use it.
As many of our calls each day relate to simple administrative queries or questions about prescriptions, we hope that the Chatbot may be a helpful tool in directing you to the large amount of information on our website which in turn can help provide the answer you are looking for and keep the lines more accessible for those in need of urgent medical assistance.
Our management team have been involved in its development so all the information provided is up to date and personalised to the surgery.
Take a look and let us know what you think!
You can read more about it and watch a video of how the Chatbot functions on our Facebook and Instagram pages @AMCAndover